Body scrub apricot and rice
See isuäratav koorija on pungil niisutavaid koostisosi nagu aloe vera, jõhvikaekstrakt, aprikoosiseemned ja riis. Orgaanilise sertifikaadiga koorija sisaldab seepi, mis nahale kandmisel muutub rikkalikult pehmeks vahuks. Vaht rahustab koheselt nahka ja tekitab mõnusa tunde. Peened aprikoosiseemned eemaldavad tuhmi naha ja puhastavad selle mustusest. Koorija sobib suurepäraselt igasugusele nahale.
kehakoorija naha koorija ilus puhas terve nahk keha  kaunis naine hoolitsetud nahk vana nahk maha uus asemele vegan ökoloogiline

Body scrub apricot and rice

Regular price €27.00
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Availability: In stock

This appetizing body scrub has moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera, cranberry extract, apricot kernels and rice. The organic-certified exfoliator contains soap that becomes richly soft foam when applied to the skin. The foam instantly soothes the skin and creates a pleasant feeling. Fine apricot seeds remove dull skin and cleanse it of dirt. The exfoliator is perfect for all skin types.

Apply the body scrub to pre-moistened skin, massage gently in a circular motion and wash off the excess with lukewarm water.

150 ml