Krõmpsuv kakaotrühvel karamelliga on nagu tükike taevast Sinu suus.  See imemaitsev trühvel on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest koostisosadest ning hoole ja armastusega  prantsuse retsepti järgi. Sobib eriti hästi tee või kohvi kõrvale ning rõõmustab igaüht, keda selle maiusega üllatatakse.
Cocoa truffle with caramel and crunch

Cocoa truffle with caramel and crunch

Regular price €11.00
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Tax included.
Availability: In stock

Cocoa truffle with caramel and crunch is like a piece of heaven in your mouth. This delicious truffle is made from high-quality ingredients and with care and love according to a French recipe. It goes especially well with tea or coffee and will delight anyone who is surprised by this delicacy. 

110 g